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The Ring Holds the Whole

Collage 2019

What you see is a wooden sculptural globe surrounded by four smaller ones, all covered by juxtaposed collaging images that conjure up a visual epic. The surfaces ‌host familiar printed images gathered from a variety of sources at different times: from a postcard of an art exhibition, to an old science book for children, a knitting magazine, or religious illustrations. Even though the visual components are familiar, and the rhythmic associations and semantic references they elicit are known, the smooth linkage of the figures and their abstract connections make it difficult to unfold a coherent and specific narrative. While documenting the real life, and creating imaginative stories, seems two different territories, this ring opens up a third narrative: an abstract yet strong connection of the familiar components, wherein the audience draw their own fluid stream of consciousness, through the circling wheel that has no beginning and no end.